Post-jam update

So, the jam has been over for a few days, and I've had some time to go through comments and think about how to improve the game. I’m really happy with the feedback I got during the jam, and I’m blown away by the fact that people actually like something I cobbled together in a weekend! But before I move onto other projects, I want to fix up a few things that people pointed out, as well as some things that I’m not totally happy with.

Planned updates:
  • Fix swipe: The swipe attack seems to be the main issue people had in the jam feedback, and I’m not fully happy with it either. I think I might have to either change it completely or replace it with a different ability. I’m going to play around with some settings, and if I can’t get it to work, I think I’ll just replace it with Blast as the starting attack.
  • Add some new abilities and upgrades: 2 attack abilities is not much for a VS clone, so I’m going to add in a few more, plus some more stat upgrades to pick from.
  • Add collisions to the maps: Add some boundaries to the level so that the player can’t leave, and also make some of the tiles (buildings, water) impassable. My main concern is that the player or enemies might get stuck when they spawn, so that’s something I’ll have to sort out as well.
  • Add some new enemies with additional attacks: Maybe some more animals in the first level, and some military forces in the later levels. Maybe something green.
  • Add an ending: At the moment the game ends in a similar way to Vampire Survivors, but with a giant robot instead of the reaper. I'm not totally happy with this, so I think I might add in a new ending for if you manage to survive.
  • Add some better music: I’m not a musician, so I doubt I’ll actually be able to make something worth listening to on its own, but I think I can do something better than what I’ve got at the moment.

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